أخبار ساخنة

نموزج امتحان المرحلة الثانية ثانوية عامة لغة إنجليزية الثانى بالإجابة مواصفات 2013 نسخ مباشر

اجابة النموذج الثانى 
اجابة السؤال الاول 
1. I don't agree with you
2. I think it's a nice one.
3. I would like to be a doctor to help poor people.
 4. What should I do to do well in English exam?
اجابة السؤال الثاني 
1- Place : university. 
Sp A: professor.
Sp B : student
Function : inquiring 
2- Place : street 
SP A: tourist
Sp B : passer by 
Function : ask for help
                ( Any other reasonable  answers  are accepted ) 
اجابة السؤال الثالث 
1- launch
2- alike
3-I drink
4- harmful
5- must have
11-used to
15- would have had
16- I'm sure you will enjoy it.
اجابة السؤال الرابع 
الخطأ التصحيح
1- like - alike
2- save. -  saving
3- impress – impressive
4- boring -  bored
5- many –  much
6- solid –liquid
اجابة السؤال الخامس 
1- warm blooded like man, and give birth
2- Dolphins from other pods interact with each other from time to time..
3-  Dolphins.
4-  a) 40 years
5- a) in groups
اجابة السؤال السادس 
1- He worked as a waiter in a restaurant
2- He could join the swimming club without worrying about fees. He began to enjoy his spare time in a way or another. He had a lot of time to enjoy outdoor sports
3- He used to carry heavy trays every now and then.That is why His back and feet used to hurt me at the end of the shift .
4-  b ) experiences
5- a) kind and friendly
اجابة السؤال السابع 
1- One leads to the forest and the other leads to the castle at Zenda.
2- Duke Michael will be the king.
3- He saw Antoinette de Mauban . she was a wealthy woman She is beautiful, tall and dark French widow. She is about 30 years old and is deeply in love with the Duke. 
 4- His half brother " Duke Michael ".
Quotation: :
1-The chief of  police..
2- Rassendyll " The English man who was lost"
3- In order not to know a bout him
Find mistake:
1- When the innKeeper's daughter sees the King, she was surprised to see the king. 
2- Duke Michael can legally become King if he marries Princess Flavia ***************************************************************
اجابة السؤال الثامن 
Students are asked to write a letter of about 100 words about the topic given
اجابة السؤال التاسع 
هناك الكثير ليقال عن التقدم التكنولوجي. لقد جعل حياة الناس اسهل. وبدون هذة المزايا للتكنولوجيا سيصبح العالم مكان صعب للعيش.
1- All countries a round the world must know that Egypt is a peace loving country  and against terrorism.
2- 25th January Revoulation succeeded by getting rid of Mubark Rule and  he escaped abroad.
                                ( Any other reasonable  answers  are accepted ) 
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