أخبار ساخنة

نموزج امتحان المرحلة الثانية ثانوية عامة لغة إنجليزية الأول بالإجابة مواصفات 2013 نسخ مباشر


اجابة النموذج الاول 
إجابة السؤال الاول 
1. Could you explain why does it go dark at night?
2. I think they are very useful.
3. No, let's join a football club.
 4. If I were you I'd work as a doctor.
إجابة السؤال الثاني 
1- Place : plane. 
Sp A: air hostess.
Sp B : passenger
Function : giving order 
2- Place : company 
SP A: manager
Sp B : employee 
Function : inquiring
                ( Any other reasonable  answers  are accepted ) 
إجابة السؤال الثالث 
1- will see 
2- nature 
4- phenomenon
5- must have left
6-I lent
9-he had been
10-to phone
13-had left
14-had passed
15- going 
16- must have left
اجابة السؤال الرابع 
الخطأ التصحيح
1- abread - bread
2- confusion. -  profession
3- he had saw – I had seen
4- magnet. -  monument
5- waste –  save
6- Despite –Although
اجابة السؤال الخامس 
1- insect which carry pollen to another plant .
2- No, because it can be carried also by the wind.
3-  Because of air pollution.
4-  c) The Loss of Pollinators
5-  b) Insects can't smell the flowers, so they can't find them.
اجابة السؤال السادس 
1- Three
2- The effect of art on our lives
3-they make us want to buy certain products. 
4-  b ) pleasing
5- a) advertisements
اجابة السؤال السابع 
1-29 years old
2- Because she heard their plan about saving the king.
3- Because his mother wasn't from royal family.
4-  He hurt his finger as the door close on it
Quotation: :
1-Flavia to Rassendyll.
2- He forgot to let him in.
3- He said he forgot the rules of a palace.
Find mistake:
1-Michael wants to punish Rassendyll for deceiving people.
2- Rassendyll thinks it will be difficult to rescue the King
اجابة السؤال الثامن 
Students are asked to write a paragraph  of about 100 words about the topic given
اجابة السؤال التاسع
الكائنات الحية تستجيب للتغيرات في بيئتها. فمثلا: اذا لو ان شىء سبب لك الم سوف تبتعد عنه. لحمايتها من الخطر بعض الحيوانات تختبىء في البيئة المحيطة بها بعد ان تقوم بتغيير لونها.
1- Revolution youth suggest new ideas to build our country.
2- We should encourage tourism because it is the main source of national income.
                                ( Any other reasonable  answers  are accepted ) 
إعداد أ / محمود شامة
إعداد أ / محمود شامة